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Embracing the Power of Walking Away

“You have to not be scared to go away… A lot of people are frightened that if they go away, if they disappear for a while, everything will crumble; they’ll come back and there’s no place for them. I think the break, actually being away was good for us all… cuz it gives you a chance to realize why you’re doing what you do, and actually, want to do what you do, not just do it because you’re already there and you’re on a roll.”

-Helen Folasade Adu, Love Deluxe Interview 1992

Friends, it has been over ten years since we opened our home to you —the tiny deck, the studio apartment with our tree trunk bed in the kitchen, and the farm whose fertile soil helped us create magic. We have shared space and time, we have traded stories and heartaches, and we have fed you —tummies, hearts and souls. We have brought words like “locavore” into your world and tried to fill your cup with artisanal Jamaican surprise and delight. We have built a brand that is ‘Likkle but it Tallawah,’ standing firm in love, support and the courage to create something different. We have been sustained by your posts, your comments, and the countless return visits bringing friends and family from across the globe to “fall in love with your food” again, and again, and again

We have grown together— from under the canopy of nasberry and eucalyptus trees fyah grilling pizza, to dining al fresco on Fig Tree Deck, to having batched cocktails in the Bar in the Bush. Each time our sincere efforts designed to exceed expectations, leaving you feeling full; full to the brim with an intentional experience. As we mark this milestone, it has come to us that a pause is required. A “going away” if you will, a whisper on the wind to turn to the inside— to quiet, to replenish and to renew the dream.

While the universe can know what is on your heart, it will test you to see if you are really wanting; if you are really ready. For the last two months, we failed that test; saying no just did not seem to be in the cards. But little signs kept appearing, pushing us toward a questioning of our decisions, messages in the stratosphere circling us back to our goal of taking some time. And now, with requests at an all time high, we simply have to step back and leap with faith into a quiet space, hoping to come out on the other side hungry for more while marveling at the endless possibilities that the universe has specially curated for us.

Real talk… it takes time to write, it takes space to dream, it takes courage to build and curate an even more powerful dream than the one you had before. And we are very powerful dreamers.

“You have to be wise enough to know when you’re living in your dream, and you have to be humble enough to accept when you’re in someone else’s.”

-Dave Chappelle, The Dreamer 2023

And how does one facilitate powerful dreaming?

Securing time to play and to make mistakes; to dive deeply into inspiration, creating rituals that help visualize potently what you desire; allowing yourself the grace to relax your mind and body so you can sow your dreams like precious heirloom seeds in a beautiful garden. Write, write, and write some more.

What does that mean for you?

We remain a part of your dream as much as you are an integral part of ours. For our fellow dreamers, there are a few dates remaining in the spring calendar as we wind down. There may be some special offerings, like the one in celebration of women or the virtual workshop that centers the alchemy of food, gathering and intention, or communing over the gift of the earth that we call home. You can meet us in Milan in November for the next iteration of “Italy meets Jamaica.” Stush at Home is here to support your at home curations, just place an order or visit CPJ Market Montego Bay, Jamaica Food & Drink Kitchen and The Butcher Shoppe in Kingston. And on the return, we can’t wait to see you, to fill your cup from all of our dreams that flow ever on. Peace Out ✌🏾

Christopher & Lisa

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Connecting to You

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Connecting to You

On February 3 at 11:28am, we sent out the newsletter for the first time since I started cooking club back in January of 2018.  Like hot bread, the unsubscribes started to come in.  I read each one trying to remember the soul who must have been like, “are they serious???  It’s been 5 whole years, and this is what they come with???”  Yeah, in my head, I’m imagining it went a little something like that.  I would have unsubscribed too.  Ballsy, no?  Self-serving?  For sure.  I looked back at the last time that I wrote on our website… W O R S E! That was in April of 2016.  How many hairstyles ago, I can’t even count.  Well, maybe I could count, but nah.  Literally I am cringing as I write this. Why? Because I could be doing so much better.  I have so much to say actually :-).  And especially if you haven’t unsubscribed, maybe just deleted, I figure that I owe you some proper communication. I’m not really sure how often I will want to be in this headspace, but, it feels promising.  It’s so important to do what feels good and in this moment it feels pretty damn good.

This is to be the year of the cook book.  This is the year of getting back to cooking classes and cooking clubs. This is the year of dreaming up that nook in Kingston that I’m looking for that reminds me of Brooklyn. This is the year that I intentionally put out in the universe that I want a little property on the east coast of Bim to call my own. This is the year that I turn 55.  This is the year that I will only do what moves me, fills me, nourishes me, and F*@K all else.  55 is about independence and exploration, they say. Let’s see what it brings. 

I now have a writing day, which I think is just fab for me. It is a day of clickaty clack sounds, jazz, water, wine and tea.  Maybe some raw peanuts too, because like my mummy, bless her soul, I just love them.  Chris will be on dinner duty and hopefully, spirit will guide me to be honest and true.  Don’t judge me.  Today’s wine is a Pasqua Passi Mento Bianco and its cool. Has a nice lingering finish that accompanies the Stan Getz in my ears.  I confess I felt real excitement approaching this first writing day. The anticipation had me in a grip.  I lit candles and pulled two cards from my truth bomb deck and the messages hit home “Make Space for Your Future” and “Pay Closer Attention to Your Fantasies” Hmmmmm. Works for me.  I have a lot of work to do, but if it is good work it nourishes like nothing else. 

I’m doing a lot of reflection on the menu for February 14. Thinking a lot about how I want things to taste and look.  In some ways it will be a participatory experience, where you can engage in delight.  I’m hoping to finalize that and send out the menu for printing and keepsakes for our beloveds before the end of the week. 

On another note, I wrote a sweet piece for Active Cultures Digest Fall 2022 on the topic of JOY. Thank you Nneka Jackson for thinking of us, pushing us towards the finish line (Chris’ poem was completed first… show off ;-)) while I agonized over word choice, cadence and punctuation.  I want to leave you with it if you haven’t seen it, and it is sweetly accompanied by the recipe for our infamous beignets, and yes they will be a part of dessert (with other beauties) on the 14th.  Try it and let me know how they come out.  Always be gentle with dough after the first rise; “lighthandedness” is key.



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Health and wellness: STUSH style!

Living, and living well are two entirely different concepts. I find myself very blessed, in that I am not only living, but living well. I live well because I am surrounded and inspired by love… my beautiful daughter, my sexy farmer, this fertile and lush space that we are privileged to call home. Life is pretty idyllic, and I get to share all this with likeminded adventurers so that they can take a little of the STUSH lifestyle home with them. Living well.

On January 16th, Marta Lamolla, a friend and local pilates instructor, held our very first STUSH Pilates session and champagne breakfast. Marta, like myself, has a vested interest, in not only living, but living well. Marta is a veteran visitor—she’s been up to ZionItes many times, and apparently had us earmarked for a pilates session long before we were ready.

I found this gem just a few months back, actually just a friend of ours took us here. We found STUSH in the BUSH and fell in love with the place. You guys didn’t have the deck yet, so I recently spoke [again] with Lisa, I came, and fell even more in love with this place.

Marta and her partner Nick had us pegged from the get go. “STUSH in the BUSH represents precisely that, off the beaten track, and together with pilates, it gives you that control, that strength, that flexibility. And I think that it’s the perfect match.” Clearly they aren’t the only ones who think so, as our deck filled up with yoga mats, and people ready for a good morning exercise. To live well, we have to not only feed our bodies, but our minds, our hearts, our souls. Good experiences, good relationships with good people, and especially good food, are what we as human beings need in order to live, and live well. And watching our guests do pilates on the deck, surrounded by lush green fruit trees, vegetables, and the occasional doctor bird, I’d have to say they agreed.


After about an hour long workout, everyone tucked in to the table for breakfast. After all, how can you say you’ve been to STUSH in the BUSH if you haven’t eaten anything? An eggless Ackee quiche, cheddar and scallion biscuits, ZionItes greens… stushed up with some roasted beets, papaya and toasted pumpkin seeds, vegan chocolate chip cookies and champagne mimosas (okay it was Prosecco but it was very delicious) topped with a homemade sorrel syrup were just a few of the things to grace our table. 

Surrounded by laughter, life, and friends, is there any other way to live well? Nick agreed. “We’ve lost that idea of working together. When Marta said it would be great to do something here, I was like ‘we get to work with people who we know we have a kinship with,’ and that’s the only way we individually and as a country are going to ever improve and make this country what it can truly be.” Community is something that has been sacrificed in today’s modern world, often for convenience and ease of access. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. If we can inspire each other to live well, to foster positive and meaningful relationships with each other, our environment, and especially our food, we can change that course. 


“We put together those strengths, because that’s what it’s all about,” said Marta. “Sharing the love.” And all that is certainly, living well. Although this is only the beginning of our partnership, I already know we have begun something very special—something we know will inspire others to participate in fitness in the Bush!


Our upcoming fitness sessions are...

  • May 29th, Pilates and Chocolate, hosted again by Marta Lamolla
  • June 12TH, Yoga Brunch with the talented Kayla Hough.


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That Connection Between Food and Life

The average age of a farmer is 58.  Meet my husband, my sexy farmer - Christopher Binns. He's not average and he's not 58. Definitely sexy, but more important, he makes food sexy. He is the BUSH to my STUSH and it works!

To live, you must eat. To live well, you must eat well. In my world that means organic, naturally grown, sustainable, fresh, seasonal, respecting the connection between food and life. To the best of his ability, Chris makes sure I have all that's possible at my fingertips. We have become such a fast food culture, such an expect everything at all times culture, that we have forgotten the relationship between nature and man. In our mechanization and affection for bigger is better, we have forgotten what food is really meant to be... DELICIOUS!!! And you don't get delicious from fast food or substandard ingredients or food that has travelled for thousands and thousands of miles. We have been conned, hoodwinked if you will.

We have sadly traded nutrition for convenience, good flavor for MSG, and certainly relishing a good meal in good company for eating in cars. Progress or regress?

While the realities of life may dictate convenience at times, we should afford ourselves the luxury of great meals as often as possible. And to be truthful, its not as hard as most may think.  I have recently converted to the "LOCAVORE" camp, thanks to Barbara Kingsolver and a local friend and client, Sarah Hsia Hall who turned our watermelon radishes into pickles, affectionately dubbing them #locavore in her Instagram posting and I love it. 


It has forced me to think outside the box, to become more creative with food. Drought stricken, Chris still delivers every morning a harvest of pear (avocado), limes, lemons, ackee, some passion fruit, sometimes a bunch of ripening banana and a few black cherry tomatoes that are simply delicious. "Avocado Soup???" he says, giving me that look, "are you joking?" Coming across the plate is the nonconventional, but trust me it was velvety smooth and refreshing. Although not a fan of cold soups, he totally enjoyed it and divined me genius. For the locavore, pear season is not all year, so we are eating pear in a myriad of ways until we just don't have anymore! Buy juice??? No way! We make it the old fashioned way (smile), tart and tangy lemonades and limeades. Lip-smacking delicious! Not to mention the lemon curd, passion fruit butter, lemon risotto, key lime pie (okay so they aren't key limes, but they are farm fresh) and you can't have guac without limes (wink).  I recently acquired some cassava flour and breadfruit flour, locally milled, and am excited for the possibilities. So far our breadfruit focaccia has been a winner. Up next? limited only by my imagination.

Being a locavore means I support my local markets, and what I don't grow, luckily there are other farmers like us out there growing. My first question at the market, "local?" one really can't assume otherwise. Being a locavore means turning down mushrooms, granny smith apples, and those big fat strawberries from farin (for you non-Jamaicans, that's foreign). Chris recently acquired some strawberry plants that I hope will bring that delectable treat back in my life, when I can't get to the strawberry man in St. Andrew. My second question at the market, "organic?" this one is much more difficult in the land of chemical sprays and fertilizers, but we soldier on. I certainly don't want to rush to the casket, so I choose organic whenever possible. We are ever grateful for those farmers who make that choice too.

At the end of the day food is life. Food brings nutrition. It sustains you. It provides energy. It brings wellness. You can't live without it. Shouldn't it then be the best it can be?

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